Good morning all,
The word of the day is “exalt.” JC used to know the best stories to tell at the right time. One of his favorite ways to get his point across was to use parables. These stories helped others examine their own lives by hearing about those of others. The fact that heard these stories did not always like the message because it would hit too close to home. But, I guess that is why these stories needed to be told:
“I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
~Luke 18:14
My question for you is: will you allow God to justify you in his sight? Too often we think that we needed to exalt ourselves and reminded the world how good we are. However, God would see it the other way around. When we are humble and follow his teachings through the word and relationships with others, we experience a connection with God that is unmatched. My prayer is that you continually humble yourself not only in the sight of God, but around others as well. You don't have to worry about letting everybody know how awesome you are. God already knows what an incredible creation you are; he made you!
Praying for you,