Good morning all,
The word of the day is “testify.” JC had to go through a bunch of scrutiny while on the earth. He knew that he was justified because the Father sent him. But he still had tons of critics, as he does today as well. Being the light of the world was a pretty tall order, and he was always ready to love on people and change a life. Even though he needed no justification from the praise of people, he lived and loved higher than the rule…
“Jesus answered, “Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid, for I know where I came from and where I am going. But you have no idea where I come from or where I am going.” ~Jn. 8:14
My question is: how do you believe JC is using your life as a testimony to the Savior’s love? I know that each of us has opportunitites to spread Christ’s love through our actions and care for others. My prayer is that you use the Gosple to love above the rule. Give God a chance to proclaim the Son through your life. God will use use and give you the words when you need them. Trust in his plan to testify to others.
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