Good morning all,
The word of the day is “patience.” Not really my favrit
virtue in the world. In fact, when I was younger one of my mentors told me that
it was important for me to have patience, but never to pray for it. Why… ‘cause
you might just be put in a situation to have to test it. Instead, I prayed for
understanding in all situations and learned to be patient as I was given those
hard times in life. Solomon knew a thing or two about patience…
"The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and
patience is better than pride."
~Ecc. 7:8
Think about it. Of all the peeps ever to live you would
figure that Solomon dealt with the pride issue a ton. Try being the wisest dude
ever to live – either before or ever since. Craziness, I know. My question for
you today is: How are you when it comes to patience… is it something you are
good at or do you need some work? God wants us to rely on his power and love
for us, in all situations. My prayer for you today is that you learn to wait on
God in all parts of your life.
Praying for you,
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