Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Switcheroo (Ephesians 6.1-12)

Good morning all,

The word of the day is “switcheroo.”  Yes, this is actually a real word in the dictionary!  I think we all know exactly what this is.  And, I totally associate it with the stuff that we will face as Christians.  There are evil forces in the world that would want you to take your eyes off of God and put them on anything but him.  I like to call this the old switcheroo.  The Evil One is looking for any opportunity to trip you up and make you believe that what you are doing is okay, even if and especially if God is not cool with it.  I would submit that we need to fight this kind of nonsense.

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” ~Eph 6:11

My question is: are you ready for the challenges that will come your way in life?  It’s easy to say that we have life under control, and then all of a sudden something doesn’t go our way and life comes crashing down.  My prayer is that you always look towards Jesus and remember that even in the tough times, he is ready to protect you by all means necessary.  Put on the armor of God today and make a difference in both your life and someone else’s.

Praying for you,


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