Good morning all,
The word of the day is “bushwa.” I had to laugh when reading
this word. It reminded me of one of my most favorite sections of the Bible.
Paul was a pretty feisty character. When he used to preach, he wanted to make
sure that he got the attention of the people to whom he was speaking. This
meant that every now and again he had to shock people. And for that reason,
this passage right here pretty much says that Paul sees anything that is void
of the gospel to be rubbish, or in other words of that day… trash. I mean come
on! What an incredible way to minister to people. You figure that they would
either turn to Jesus, or away from him altogether. But, that's exactly what
Paul wanted people to do – to make a decision.
“But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the
sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the
surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have
lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ.”
~Phil. 3:7-8
My question is: with what kind of fervor do you live out
your own faith? The apostle Paul realized that if he was going to live for
Jesus then he needed to be ready to give everything for him. And for this
reason, he considered everything that he had to this point to be absolutely
nothing. Anything less than a relationship with Jesus is bushwa, or
rubbish. My prayer this morning is that
you sit in the knowledge of surpassing greatness of your relationship with the
Savior. When you are ready to give everything to him, the Lord will do a mighty
work in your life.
Praying for you,
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