Good morning all,
The word of the day is “chains.” JC lays out right here in this passage what it means to love him. You could imagine the scrutiny that he has gone through at this point. He let’s the disciples know the best way to live a life that it’s focused on him. The Lord is revealing priceless nuggets of wisdom to his peeps. He knows they are going to need it when he leaves them…
“Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.”
~Jn. 14:19
My question is: what is the one thing that has a potential to hold you back this year from really following JC the way he intended? We all have chains, whether that is some sin we feel is unshakable, or even something comfortable that seems can always wait a bit longer to fix. My prayer is that you focus your attention on the Lord and give him the opportunity to draw you near to him. The Spirit will continue to work in you and give guidance where needed. You just need to give a little room.
Praying for you,
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